Lack of understanding, of the word ‘probate’ has meant (in certain cases) that heir’s, confronted with a British will, have accepted that the implementing of this procedure, will be an expensive and long drawn out process, enabling them to inherit a property or assets in Spain. The usual practice is to pay for the services of a legal representative here, who would also pay the fees of a lawyer in their country of origin.
Probate simply means. ‘The validation of a will’ Looking at it in this simple way, you may begin to wonder why, taking a will to probate (as it is often described) is such an expensive process. T
he expatriate usual way of thinking, is conditioned into believing that Spain has complex laws, that one must employ a legal representative for the simplest of duties. Obtaining an electricity supply and telephone service. The completion and submission of your annual tax declarations or drawing up a will. These are only a few, of the services expatriates are willing to pay in excess for.
Unless residents and non residents alike can afford to take these measures, we should begin to gain knowledge of the specifics. This will enable us to carry out numerous duties, for a substantially reduced fee.