Thursday, 1 November 2012


There are a variety of reasons why numerous members of the expatriate community, have decided to leave Spain, and return home. The exodus in the last few years has been gaining momentum and noticed at least by the non-Spanish community.

The town halls seem to be unaware of what could be the start of a mass exodus. Unfortunate homeowners with mortgages have not been able to sell their properties, at any price, are now feeling the pinch. Their monthly repayments are at an all-time high and all costs related to living in Spain is on the increase. Everything from electricity charges, cost of gas and the purchase of most essential products including foodstuff and medicine has multiplied. This in part is due to the increase in taxes on all products and the continual hike in petrol prices will do nothing to decrease costs. A cutback in the health care system is affecting everyone, including Spain’s immigrants, who were in the past treated for free.

The government who are continually talking about their austerity measures (this is in the main affecting the working classes and the poor) appear to have no clear plans and cannot show any conclusive evidence that their strategy is working. They are choosing to ignore their ineptitude and are basically spreading misinformation to the Spanish population, about the true extent of the deficit. The foreign press is probably the media who, are aware and have deduced the truth about Spain’s impending gloom.

Last year, all residents of Spain enjoyed a beautiful sunny and relatively warm winter. October of 2012 has shown us a cold front, heavy showers and flooding. Should this type of weather continue, concluding in the fact, that we lose the privilege of enjoying the pleasures of walking in the country or promenade, under a warm withers sun.. Many more families may decide to pack up and leave.

With all the doom and gloom on the economic front. It may be worth considering, that a thorough culling, of a population who cannot presently contribute to an ailing system may actually be a blessing to Spain’s powers. Just as Spanish families are being forced to emigrate, as they did in the lean fifties and sixties. Consider that the leaders of the present governing party may not be too disappointed, to say goodbye to some of its adopted Europeans

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